We've been Nominated!!
'Best On-Line Retailer' Category
We are so excited and honoured to have been nominated in the 'Best On-Line Retailer' Category of the British Sewing Awards 2019. Votes close on 13 November and if you would like to Vote for us please click here
The British Sewing Awards gives you the chance to vote for all of the wonderful brands and personalities that make the craft industry what it is today. Not only that, but it also shines a light on independent shops, who offer invaluable advice and service to stitchers of all abilities across the UK.
Once you have voted you will be automatically entered into the SEW magazine prize draw for a chance to win one of four high-definition lamps worth £400 each from Serious Readers! seriousreaders.com
So please Vote for SEW BOX under BEST INDEPENDENT RETAILERS and then ON-LINE and then SEW BOX here
There are several categories so you need to scroll down until you reach ONLINE Best Online Retailer and then SEW BOX
Only a few more days left for Voting!! So please Vote for SEWBOX under ON-LINE and then SEW BOX here Votes close on Weds, 13 November.
Thanks as always to our loyal and lovely customers