Latest Liberty Quilting Cottons - The Hesketh House Collection
The Hesketh House collection is titled in honour of a favourite artwork in the Liberty archive dating back from the 1890's
The prints have been inspired from heritage interior details of an English stately manor.
32 lovely contemporary prints designed for the quilting market, but which can be used for any of your sewing or crafting projects, either individually or mix and matched.
100% cotton width is112cm / 43 inches A medium-weight cotton
The designs are in 2 to 5 different colourways:
'Hesketh' this beautiful snowdrop print has 5 colour options
'Wiltshire Shade' has 3 colourways and is a useful plainer print
'Nouveau Mayflower' has 3 colourways
and 'Harriet's Pansy is just stunning
We have the whole Hesketh collection on special introductory offer at £14/M or £3.50 for a Fat Quarter.
If you wanted 1 of each of the 32 prints then you can get the Collection at £112.00/32xFQ
Happy browsing and sewing
Susan ......